MVZ für Gefäßmedizin und Venenchirurgie | Dr. med. Iliana Vecqueray
Dr. med. Mete Camci: Healthy blood vessels for a healthy life! We offer the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the areas of the arterial, venous and lymphatic vascular disease at the highest level.
Dr. Camci, Phlebologie, Gefässliga, Gefäßliga, Laserbehandlungen, Krampfaderbehandlung, Thrombosemanagement, Infusionstherapie, Labordiagnostik, Köln, Schaumverödung, Mikro-Sklerotherapie, Minimalinvasive Varizenchirurgie, Offenes Bein, Ulcus cruris, Hernien, Ausschälplastiken, Ballondilatation, Arterienchirurgie
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Dr. med. Iliana Vecqueray

Areas of Specializationcamci2

  • Microsurgical Procedures of the Venous System
  • Endovenous Radiofrequency / Laser Catheter Procedures
  • Ablation Therapy
  • Vascular Diagnostics
  • Thrombosis Care
  • Wound Care


Professional Development

  • 1991–1996: Study of Human Medicine, Philipps-University Marburg
  • 1996–2009: Surgical and vascular surgical training by Prof. Dr. Raguse (Visceral Surgery) and by Prof. Dr. Balzer (Vascular Surgery), Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Mülheim an der Ruhr (Protestant Hospital)
  • 1998:Medical License – Physician
  • 2000: Doctorate Degree
  • 2003: Specialist in Surgery
  • 2005: Specialty designation in Vascular Surgery
  • 2005–2009: Medical Superintendent for Vascular Surgery, Evangl. Krankenhaus, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr
  • 2008: Additional designation Phlebology
  • since September 2009: Specialist at the Center for Vascular Medicine and Venous Surgery, Cologne



  • Membership in specialty associations: Berufsverband der Deutschen Chirurgen e.V. (Professional Association of German Surgeons) (BDC) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gefäßchirurgie (DGG) (German Association for Vascular Surgery)
  • Participation in conferences of the Deutschen Gesellschaften für Angiologie, Gefäßchirurgie und Phlebologie (German Associations for Angiology, Vascular Surgery, and Phlebology).
  • Presentations on the subject of thrombosis management
  • Foreign languages: English